Call Me Karizma takes the stage
Call Me Karizma posing in a recording studio.
May 12, 2023
The small crowd roars for a particular underground artist to rise from backstage. Electric guitar starts on a blank stage. Then lights flash, cheering and fawning over a simple man singing about being a rockstar.
Morgan Parriott, also known as Call Me Karizma, is a punk/pop songwriter and singer from Minnesota. He started writing songs at age 12, and then when he turned 23, he signed with Arista Records. He released two EPs and an album within the next three years. ‘T.V.’ just talks about how society gets you to sell your soul for the American dream life.
His newest album, ‘Francis,’ is the album he sang on tour this year. It has 13 total songs and starting with ‘Black Leather,’ a simple song in which he sings about being a rockstar – which is his most-played song on this album. Then comes ‘Didn’t You’ and ‘Blood,’ which are very different but have similarities. For instance, ‘Didn’t You’ talks about how he’s ready for his death, which is pretty violent. And so is ‘Blood’ a story of his violent tendencies and thoughts.
His first album ‘To Hell With Hollywood’ is a favorite because it talks about his American dreams getting ruined because of how messed up our society is. He doesn’t hide from his fans, he keeps things real, and this album proves that. The first song in this album is ‘Waste’, a song about his childhood troubles and how his parents don’t see his trauma. He focuses on his torn-down American dreams in the next three songs ‘America’, ‘T.V.’, and ‘GET ME OUT OF L.A.’
‘America’ tells a story about regular American life. Starting with his million-dollar loan for college and his debt at 21, then to his struggling mental health and love life, and ending with the luxurious shootings in the streets of California.
‘T.V.’ talks about how society forces you to sell your soul to live the American dream life. “Stare into the television, here they get to sell a vision, nowhere that the devil isn’t when you turn it on.”
‘GET ME OUT OF L.A.’ talks about where he came from, “but I came from a small town where they don’t care what car you’re in” Then continues the statement with, “But my friends in Hollywood drive a Mercedes and always do drugs…” These lyrics compare his old life to his new life. Showing how bad fame can damage you. Call Me Karizma does a good job of catching the truth of Hollywood fame in these three songs.
Call Me Karizma, a greatly underrated music artist. He tells stories with his music and never fails to impress.