Aysun triplets turn up for cross country

Audrey Strembicki

Aiden Aysun competes at the Hagerty Invitational 2022 cross country meet.

As a new season of cross country starts, there are three new faces: Aiden, Brody, and Collin Aysun, who are freshman triplets on varsity this year. The three of them are very competitive and rely on each other to be the best athlete they can.

Being a brother on a team of over 35 people, the triplets are required to motivate each other and compete with the other two. 

“We’re really competitive, so it motivates me to be faster,” said Aiden. “You always have to have that sibling competition.”

Though the triplets compete against each other, they can all agree on who has motivated them on the team the most, sub-seventeen minute 5k runner Marc McDonald. 

“I’ve been running with Aiden and Brody since fourth grade, but it really got serious in middle school where we realized that with the help, encouragement and competition between us we could really go somewhere with this,” Collin said.

The three of them have been running together gaining speed and encouragement from the two other brothers. As a group they have grown faster and stronger from where they started. Team captain Robert Bellamy is impressed and excited to see what the triplets can achieve.

“I can see the connection between them and how they build off of each other,” said Bellamy. “They are a scary group to go up against because many teammates don’t have the chemistry and strive that they do.”

It is clear to say the Aysun triplets have a very bright future in running and will continue to have the brotherly rivalry keep pushing them to be the best version of themselves they can be and anyone can be excited to see what is possible for the three of them.