“The Space Between Us” closes gaps

4/5 Stars

From the very beginning, The Space Between Us is an enthralling film of wondrous proportions. Excellently written and brilliantly acted, the movie is compelling in every way, from the original storyline to the intense severity of the characters’ dilemmas. Primary actors Asa Butterfield, Britt Robinson, Gary Oldman and Carla Gugino are all incredible additions to the unbelievable story.

The quirky, fresh film tells the tale of the first American expedition of astronauts who intended to settle on planet Mars for several years, one of whom is surprisingly found to be pregnant in the middle of the seven-month voyage. The child is the first to ever be born on Mars. He grows up unexposed to significant gravity and is unable to physically withstand Earth’s intense forces, despite his desires to visit the other world.

A sweet romance, powerful drama and uplifting comedy, The Space Between Us miraculously balances numerous positively impactful messages that are embedded into one unique plot. More than anything, the inspiring movie is an experience of the beautiful realization that the Earth is magnificent and should be better appreciated.

On Mars, Gardner’s circumstances of confinement on the dry, red planet leave him unhappy and utterly jaded. As the first born Martian, Gardner (Asa Butterfield) is compelled to experience Earth, and through his journey the movie makes luminous the difference between Earth and the dreary planet Mars; this suggests our bleak future as environmentally disastrous human beings, and the outstanding Earth which we are beyond fortunate to have and still be irrationally neglectful of. Butterfield’s character expresses his amazement for the world, imploring the adorable question “what is your favorite thing about Earth?” to everyone he meets. His enthusiasm and appreciation drive the notion that people truly are too cynical by simply taking the planet for granted, and that people should never be afraid of directly stating what they want to become truly happy.

Overall an exceptional movie, The Space Between Us is a definite “must see” that will change your perspective and reinforce appreciation of life, which everyone needs to readjust occasionally.