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The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

Oviedian Yearbook Info

The Oviedian Yearbook Information 2024-2025

The award-winning Oviedian yearbook staff is already hard at work on the 2025 edition of the Oviedian Yearbook.


Buy Your Yearbook: Please go to

You can also buy your yearbook in Mr. Langevin’s room 5-023 with cash or check made payable to Oviedo High School. Check for current pricing. There are also extras for sale on the website. If you would like to purchase a yearbook for a student who can’t afford one, please email the yearbook team at [email protected].

Senior Ad Information:

We are reaching out to all seniors and parents about updates to the Senior Ad process for this year.

Senior Ads (also known as, senior tributes) are a great way to shout out your senior and guarantee them a special senior yearbook experience. It’s easily the most important part of our jobs on the Oviedan staff and we want to make sure every student feels honored. To make sure every tribute gets placed in the book, we have revamped our process to the following:

  1. Go to and select Oviedo High School as your school.
  2. Click on “Create A Senior Ad”
  3. Fill in the necessary information.
  4. Pick your size options, Full, Half, ¼, and 1/8
  5. In the Headline option, please put your student’s name as you’d like it to read (nicknames are okay as long as they are school appropriate)
  6. In the Body option, please write a short message to your student.
  7. No song lyrics, movie quotes or other copyrighted phrases are allowed.
  8. After writing and editing your message, select next.
  9. Upload the appropriate amount of pictures as designated by the size of the ad. Make sure all pictures are free from watermark and are high quality (at least 2mb in size). Please make sure you own the copyright or have permission to the images you are uploading. We strongly recommend photos that you have personally taken (baby pictures, first day of school photos, etc) to avoid any problems!
  10. Insert payment details and await confirmation email from Walsworth and our adviser.
  11. After we receive your words and photos from our Walsworth’s portal, we will begin to work on a proof that will be emailed to you. This normally takes about a month of time to complete, once we begin the senior ad creation process in September.
  12. Once we send you the proof, you will have 48 hours to send any adjustments.

A few extra notes:

  • The final, final deadline for all Senior Tributes is Friday, November 15th.  This is non-negotiable due to our updated printing agreement.
  • We are unable to accommodate images sent via email so make sure to have all your images uploaded when completing the ad.
  • If you don’t hear back from us by January 17th, please reach out to our adviser, Ben Langevin at [email protected].
  • Yearbooks must be purchased separately from your ad.

If you have any questions, feel free to respond to this email and our team will get back to you within 72 business hours. If for some reason you don’t hear back, please email our adviser at [email protected].

Senior Portrait Information:

We have a new photography provider for 2024-25 for Oviedo High School: Dean Stewart Photography (DSP). We are so excited to partner with them for this year. You might have already received an email from them.
All seniors must book an appointment through Click on schedule session, select from their Senior Studio Session options and then select Oviedo High School. There is a refundable deposit and to secure your spot.
The new studio is at 657 Florida Central Pkwy, Longwood, FL 32750. You can call  321-952-9876 for more information.
This agreement is exclusive, meaning that for inclusion in the yearbook, seniors MUST schedule an appointment with DSP. To be clear, those who do not get their picture taken through DSP will not be included in the yearbook.
NEW THIS YEAR: You can book and shoot your cap and gown photos (using OHS cap and gowns provided by DSP at their studio) during your summer shoot! Make sure to select the “Essentials” package for cap and gown photos.
NEW THIS YEAR: We are offering a $10 discount for the yearbook, if senior pictures are ordered. Email [email protected] with a picture/scan of your receipt for the ordered pictures for the discount code. The deadline for the code is August 30th.


There are absolutely no refunds on the yearbook or ads for any reason whatsoever.

Students make every effort to produce a high-quality, student-honoring, and award-winning yearbook. However mistakes happen. This is an entirely student produced work. If you’d like to bring an error to our attention, please fill out this form.

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