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The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

Advertise With Us

The Lion’s Tale newspaper/

The Lion’s Tale is distributed for free and available to all 2500 students at Oviedo High School. The paper is supported through advertising, subscription and donation only in order to maintain journalistic integrity.

Help us keep this 64 year Oviedo tradition alive by considering placing an ad or subscription today.

Ad Packages (For all the 24-25 editions of the newspaper, on and the yearbook):

  • The Pride Rock Package (Full Page Printed about 10×16),) $500
  • The Can’t Wait To Be King Package (½ Page Printed about 10×8) $300
  • The Simba Package (¼ Page Printed about 10×4 or 5×8) $250
  • The Asante Package (1/8 Page Printed about 5×4 or 10×2) $150

Email our adviser, Ben Langevin, at [email protected] for more information.

Individual Ads (costs are by edition):

  • Full Page: Single $150
  • 1/2 Page: Single $100
  • 1/4 Page: Single $75
  • ⅛ Page: Single $50
  • Online: One Month $20


Donations to the program are also accepted.

Please send cash or check to Oviedo High School Attn: The Lion’s Tale Newspaper, 601 King Street Oviedo, FL 32765. Checks should be made out to Oviedo High School.

If you have any questions, please email our adviser, Ben Langevin at [email protected]. Thank you.



  1. The publication will not accept advertising for products that are illegal for minors to purchase and/or use.
  2. The publication will not run advertisements that violate legal restrictions (libel, obscenity, invasion of privacy, disruption of the educational process) or that are counter to established journalistic ethics.
  3. All ads need to be approved by the editorial board, with the adviser’s guidance and input; any ad not deemed appropriate by the board will not run.
  4. The publication will not run advertising without a proper signature on the advertising contract.
  5. Placement of an ad does not imply endorsement by the staff, adviser, administration or the School Board of Seminole County.


Specifics for advertising with The Lion’s Tale newspaper and

  1. The publication will not accept personal or classified advertising.
  2. All payments are due at least two weeks prior to publication date.
  3. If payment is not received on time, the ad will not be published. The ad may be published in a later edition once payment has been received.
  4. All ad materials, including camera-ready artwork or design instructions, are due at least two weeks prior to publication date, or the ad may be delayed until a later edition.
  5. If a published advertisement, as designed by the publication, is incorrect in substantive content, a reduced price or corrected run will be negotiated.
  6. All print advertisers will receive a complimentary copy of The Lion’s Tale edition in which their ad has run.

Specifics for advertising with The Oviedian yearbook

  1. Please view 


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