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The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism

The student news site of Oviedo High School in Oviedo, FL

Oviedo Journalism



Team Awards:

NSPA Pacemaker Finalist, The Oviedian Yearbook 2021

FSPA Sunshine Standout Award The Oviedian Yearbook 2021


All-Florida Evaluations:

FSPA All Florida, The Oviedian Yearbook: 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

FSPA All Florida, The Lions Tale Newspaper: 2016, 2018

FSPA All Florida, Online Site: 2018

*Bold indicates Sunshine Standout (the highest recognition from FSPA)


Individual Overall Finalists:

2022 FSPA Todd C. Smith Florida Student Journalist of the Year, Finalist, Emma Yost, The Lion’s Tale

2022 FSPA Artist of the Year Veronika Maynard, The Lions Tale

2022 FSPA Artist of the Year, Finalist, Fatima Almousawi, The Oviedian

2011 FSPA Todd C. Smith Student Journalist of the Year: Carson Bailey, Oviedo High School


FSPA Spring Convention Competition 2024:

Creative Portrait: Third Place Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Haidyn Dykes

Yearbook Team: Honorable Mention Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Monica Kamel, Harshini Thupili, Loren Blumenfeld, Paige Hicken, Isabella Schneider


FSPA Spring Digital Competition 2024:


Campus News Story: Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale Riley Sanderson

Sports Profile (Written): Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale Riley Sanderson

Yearbook Academics Spread: Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Monica Kamel, Loren Blumenfeld

Yearbook Senior Ad: Senior Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Monica Kamel


NSPA Clicks and Clicks Fall 2023:

News Photo: Fifth, Dance, Vickie Krupica, The Oviedian Yearbook, Oviedo High School, Oviedo, Florida

Yearbook Spread: Honorable Mention, AI IRL, Loren Blumenfeld, Monica Kamel, The Oviedian, Oviedo High School, Oviedo, Florida


FSPA Fall Digital Competition 2023:

All Florida:

Deadline Poetry: Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Tori Baer

Student Life Photo: Oviedo High School, The Lions Tale Logan Barnes

Written Commentary: Oviedo High School, The Lions Tale Gigi Decesare

Yearbook Preliminary Theme Package: Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Maddy Baczek, Loren Blumenfeld, Harshini Thupili, Monica Kamel


FSPA Spring Convention Competition 2023:

Poetry Writing: First Place Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Maddy Baczek


FSPA Spring Digital Competition 2023:


Commentary-Off-Campus: Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale, Kaden Bryant

Sports News/Feature Story: Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale, Riley Sanderson


FSPA Spring Convention Competition 2022:

Instagram Story:First Place, Erin Slogar, The Oviedian

Poetry Writing: First Place, Kaden Bryant, The Lion’s Tale

Literary Magazine Team Spread: Third Place, Kaden Bryant, Veronika Maynard, Elliott Woodmansee-Siress, The Lion’s Tale


FSPA Spring Digital Competition 2022:

Best of the Best:

  • Commentary-Campus Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale Mental health education struggles to reach students Kaden Bryant


  • Sports News/Feature Story Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale Student-athletes explain recruitment process Mackenzie Holmes
  • Academics/Organization Photography Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Chloe Miller Chloe Miller
  • Sports Game Coverage Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale Boys water polo strikes back at season opener after rough season Emma Yost
  • Commentary-Campus Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale Mental health education struggles to reach students Kaden Bryant
  • Florida Nature Photo Oviedo High School, The Oviedian Anhinga Annelise Ridder

NSPA Clicks and Clicks Fall 2021:

News Photo:

  • 1st Place:  Nicole Sheltry, The Oviedian
  • 3rd Place: Fatima Almousawi, The Oviedian

Feature Photo:

  • 5th Place: Annelise Ridder, The Oviedian

Opinion Story:

  • Honorable Mention: Veronika Maynard, The Lion’s Tale

FSPA Fall Digital Competition 2021:


  • Academics Photo Oviedo High School, Annelise Ridder, The Oviedian 

PAST YEAR AWARDS (2020-2021)

FSPA Spring Convention Competition 2021:

Literary Magazine Team

First Place: Oviedo High School, The Lion’s Tale Veronika Maynard, Elliott Siress, Diego Lara


Hand Drawn Illustration

Third Place: Oviedo High School, Veronika Maynard, The Lion’s Tale 




2018 FSPA Journalists of the Year (each was top three in state, bolded won first place)

Writer of the Year: Paige Simpson, The Lion’s Tale

Designer of the Year: Aleena Voorhees, The Oviedian

Broadcast Journalist of the Year: Ashlyn Register, WROR TV

Photojournalist of the Year: Fernand Silva, The Lion’s Tale

The Lion’s Tale

FSPA All-Florida Newspaper 2018

CSPA Silver Crown Hybrid with 2018

NSPA Pacemaker Finalist 2016

FSPA All-Florida Individual Awards

General Feature Story: Sex Ed? Bryn Garick

General Feature Story: Parents, students consider impact of Code Red drills. Bryn Garick

First Place: Sports Game Coverage: Senior night for girls’ volleyball shows team’s dominance. Nevada Cullen

FSPA All-Florida Online 2018

CSPA Silver Crown Hybrid with The Lion’s Tale 2018

FSPA All-Florida Individual Awards

First Place: Multimedia Event: Remembrance walkout turns political. Saadhana Sridharan, Ashlyn Register, Fern Silva, Leeann Figueroa



NSPA Pacemaker Winner 2017

FSPA All-Florida Broadcast 2018

FSPA All-Florida Individual Awards

Short Film: Kaiju, King of Coffee. Tanner Roberts, Parker Davidson

Top 3 in Florida: Sports Highlight: Girls’ Soccer State Semifinals. Nevada Cullen

Sports Highlight: Hagerty-Oviedo Boys’ Basketball. Nevada Cullen

Top 3 in Florida: News Package: JSU Holocaust Event. Leeann Figueroa, Blair Brown

Top 3 in Florida: Broadcast Profile: Jesseca Montcrieff. Ashlyn Register, Nevada Cullen

STN Awards 2018

Film Excellence Award: Best Art Direction & Set Design. “Kaiju, King of Coffee.” Tanner Roberts, Parker Davidson, Zach Jackson, Emma smith, Delaney Way

1st Place: Humorous Segment. Movie Review. Tanner Roberts, Zach Jackson, Parker Davidson, Emma Smith

2nd Place: Sci-Fi/Fantasy. Experiment 001. Allen Sowersby, Ronin Eufrazio, Nathan Dillman, Eric Sanders

5th Place: Sci-Fi/Fantasy. The Fairy. Andrea Festejo, Rachel Balleste, Adrice Galloway, Ashley Bess

2nd Place: Sports Feature. Colin O’Brien Profile. Ashlyn Register, Nevada Cullen


The Oviedian

2021 NSPA Packemaker Finalist, The Oviedian

FSPA All-Florida Yearbook 2021

FSPA All-Florida Yearbook 2018

FSPA All-Florida Individual Awards

Sports Spread: Swim and Dive. Mia Dahm, Jayden Alderman, Matthew Loiars

Sports Spread: Varsity Football. Kaelle Robillo

Sports Spread: Bowling. Mia Dahm, Mandy Turner, Neri Verniani

Student Life Spread: Winter Break. Hannah Jahosky

Theme Package: Oviedian Theme. Aleena Voorhees, Brittany Watley, Megan Handler

Personality Portrait: Summer Breeze. Olivia Bastone

Student Life Copy: Summer Vacation. Jazlynn Nelson


Adviser Awards

JEA Rising Star 2022: Ben Langevin

FSPA Adviser of the Year 2018: Kevin Patterson

FSPA Gold Medallion Recipient 2018: Alicia Pope

STN Teacher Video Contest Winner 2018: Kevin Patterson

JEA Future Administrator 2018: Elise Carlson

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