The Oviedo Lions Boy’s Weightlifting season has arrived, and they’ve already competed in a few meets. The season has already been successful, as they have had many first-place finishes. The team has high expectations, as they hope to have many state placers.
Senior weightlifter, Agustin Charcap, has been on the team for multiple years and is preparing to have a great season. His numbers have looked good, as he has a max of 275 on clean and jerk and a 305 on bench. Charcap believes there’s more room for improvement, and is putting in a lot of work to ensure this.
“I mean, I’m happy with my numbers, but I know they can be better,” said Charcap. “I’m doing as much research as I can, and I’m always looking for new ways to stretch that’ll improve my max.”
Charcap is trying to reach high levels, as he plans to win states for his weight class. He’s on track to break some records for Oviedo High School and wants to be established as one of the best. In every sport, there are superstitions and order in everything you do, and when you don’t do these things it may affect your game. Charcap has some superstitions of his own. In order to achieve his goals, he makes sure he eats and prepares himself the same way before every meet.

“I’ll always go jump in my pool, and eat a pub sub and energy drink before a meet,” said Charcap. “I also listen to some music so I can get focused.”
The team has a lot of seniors on the team, which gives them a lot of experience and strength. One senior, Owen Sommerfeldt, is in his first year in weightlifting but is already doing great things despite his inexperience.
“This is my first year in weightlifting, and I’ve already exceeded my goals for bench press,” said Sommerfeldt. “I’m now trying to go above that goal, and hit something around 235 or 240.”
Sommerfeldt has increased both his clean and jerk, and bench every week, and hopes to continue to see this type of improvement. With good preparation and body management, Sommefeldt has a chance to continue to refine his skills and hopefully do well in the postseason.
“I just have to keep going to practices, and get enough sleep so I can keep improving my numbers,” said Sommerfeldt. “If there’s a muscle that feels sore, I make sure I stretch and ice it, so I can perform to the best of my ability.”
Weightlifting is a very physical sport and requires a lot of physical endurance. It’s always important for these weightlifters to focus on what they put in their body, and how they take care of soreness. Junior Isaiah Cunningham, has a very intricate plan to ensure he is always at peak physical performance.
“I do both cold and hot baths, and also do a lot of stretching and massages,” said Cunningham. “I take loads of supplements, like mushrooms, fish oils, and turmeric which are all a part of my recovery plan.”
Cunningham expects to make it to states and hopes to finish on the podium. His performance during each of his meets has shown that he has the capability to achieve these goals, and can get there with enough practice and determination.
“I practice a lot, and it helps me perform my best at meets, especially with my clean and jerk,” said Cunningham. “I’ve won every single meet we’ve done, and it’s been pretty easy for me.”
The team is now 3-0, and gaining momentum as they push through the season. With strong performances and continued dedication, they look to build on their success as they near closer states.