Transformers One is a new animated rebooted movie on the very popular Transformer series. There have been countless animated shows and seven live action movies. This Transformers movie is an animated movie with a similar animation style to the Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse series. This movie casts Chris Hemsworth as Optimus Prime, Brian Tyree Henry as Megatron, Scarlett Johansson as Elita-1, and Keegan Michael Key as Bumblebee as the main four characters.
Many people were not sure of how well Chris Hemsworth would do as the voice of Optimus Prime, because Optimus has such an iconic voice in the live action movies, but Hemsworth does a good job of portraying the character and showing Optimus as the leader he is.
The animation style of the movie was something that many people were excited about in this movie, and it did a good job of it. It was vibrant, with lots of colors contrasting all the characters. The movie really shows the Transformers as robotic with every little detail added, all of it up to the details in the eyes showing the metallic structure of the robots.
The plot of this movie is that these four characters discover that they have been lied to their whole lives about their role in the world. They find out that they are destined for more than their simple lives, and they go on a journey to discover this, and show their world how they have been deceived, so that they can rebel against their government.
Throughout this movie, the main focus is on the relationship between Optimus Prime and Megatron, how they are best friends. Throughout the course of this movie, it is noticeable how their friendship is starting to drift away, as they have different opinions about how they wanted to control their planet Cybertron. Like his name Optimus prime was more of an optimistic person, and believed that people should be given justice for what happened. On the other hand Megatron felt like he needed to be the new leader, and wanted to destroy everything about Sentinel Prime. This entire plot eventually leads to the recognizable bad guy: Megatron. The movie does an incredible job of teasing this and makes you feel mournful of their broken friendship.
This movie definitely is more of a kids movie and does not have as much deeper level plots within it for older audiences, but it is a simple comedic animated movie that families can enjoy all together. It does a great job at rebooting the well loved series that is Transformers, and now allows a new generation of kids to love these sci-fi robots from another world.
Jason Little • Oct 25, 2024 at 9:22 AM
After looking through all the reviews for this film, I very so can agree that I was also very skeptical of Chris Hemsworth playing his role, as Optimus prime. But compared to original voice actor from the live action films, it wasn’t as up to par.