Braden Minnetto swings into baseball scene
Minnetto pitches from the mound.
May 12, 2023
Braden Minnetto gazes at the other athletes, determined to play his heart out this season. The air is cool and humid as tryouts for the spring baseball season begin.
For years, Minnetto has been playing and loving his sport and gives credit to grandfather and dad for nudging him into the baseball scene.
“My dad and grandpa played it when they were younger and they taught me while I was growing up how to play,” he said.
Minnetto is a sophomore outfielder for the Oviedo High School baseball team, but it was no walk in the park to get the position he has now.
“I have to hustle and keep working hard and drink a lot of water so I can stay in the best physical shape,” Minnetto said. “I also have to stay mentally sharp and dedicated each day.”
Though the hardships may seem impossible for others, Minnetto sees them as stepping stones to greatness.
“I have definitely gotten a lot stronger, and my coaches and teammates have helped build me up to the level I am now,” Minnetto said.
Braden Minnetto has even gone on record to show off his skills during a tournament that took place while he was only 13.
“It was a tie game and the championship with two outs,” he said, “I scored the game winning home run. I was ecstatic and we dogpiled on the mound and it was really cool.”
Even with all his staggering feats, Minnetto has remained humble and encouraging when it comes to his teammates. They keep him motivated to do better and are like brothers to him.
Former teammate and friend of Minnetto, Benjamin Filler, thinks that this dedicated player is a light to those around him and leaves an impression on everyone he meets.
“Braden has always been there for anyone on the team especially after a hard fought game,” Filler said. “He keeps our heads up and makes each practice more fun and inviting.”