Courtney Boucher reflects on AP Symposium Showcase
The AP Art students’ work is presented and showcased at the Symposium.
January 30, 2023
The second year of the AP Symposium has begun, where students from a wide range of classes present their work for parents and students alike to see. After the first semester, students are able to gather their work and submit their best, most passionate projects. The AP program for these classes has been around longer than the actual Symposium event. According to, starting in 1952, the pilot program for AP classes was launched and tested highschoolers on 11 subjects. In 1954, 530 high school students took AP exams. Finally, a year later in 1955, College Board took over the program and created what thousands of high schoolers know today.
Eventually, these classes were tweaked and adjusted into the classes offered at Oviedo. However, just recently, the idea of a symposium showcasing the work the AP classes create for students was introduced right before COVID-19 took place in 2020.
After a few years in the making, the event became modeled after science fairs or art exhibits, so people were able to walk around and enjoy the works.
Last year was the trial run for the event. Students from culinary served dishes and desserts, AP Art students exhibited pieces from sculptures to drawings, and Experimental Science students showcased giant posters featuring their riveting research.
Lots of times, just doing the work takes an immense amount of effort and a large chunk of time. Though, during the event, there’s a moment where the students can be celebrated for what they’ve done – as all of these classes require consistent high performance.
Not only does this fulfill a sense of pride in these students, but their peers reviewing the event can encourage others to take these classes because of the passionate large-scale work they have done. This also helps students get out of their comfort zones and try something new- something that might end up paying off for them someday in the future. In that way, the symposium provides a positive cycle for the AP program, inspiring students to create work, and drawing more students in.
However, not only do students present their work proudly and garner support, the opportunities the symposium provides for these individuals are noteworthy. By showcasing the work of the arts such as photography and interior design, many students can be recognized for something other than athletics.
“But there’s not anything like this,” Courtney Boucher said.
This gives way for students to build their college resumes, which can point them in the direction they want to go in life. To Boucher, the recognition for herself and the teachers is just as esteemed as the students.
“It showcases our programs,” she said. “And hopefully people will say, ‘Oh, that’s really cool.’”
The event all around shines a light on each of the components of the AP programs and classes, as well as the people piloting them.
The symposium was presented in 2021, so it was all up to the planners and students involved. With this prior practice in mind, the event has been tweaked and adjusted, even from its performance last year, with talented work to show for it.
“It’s all so incredible what high school students can do at these ages,” Boucher said. “It’s honestly, truly just amazing to see what the students can do.”