Justice for ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’

May 5, 2021
Story Originally Published in the May 5th Edition of the Lion’s Tale
When Joss Whedon’s version of Justice League originally came out, the fans were disappointed in the film. Whedon cut many scenes from Zack Snyder’s original film and added some that were very inappropriate, along with an embarrassing amount of awkward dialogue and poor editing.
Safe to say with all the toxicity behind the scenes and the poor reception, fans were cut short of what was first planned to be a three part epic. After years of fans begging Warner Bros, Snyder finally announced that the “Snyder Cut’’ was going to be released for viewers on HBO Max on March 18, 2021.
DC Universe enthusiasts were very excited about the finished product and the epic to come.
Following the death of Superman in 2016’s Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, ZSJL sees the world-conquering Steppenwolf come to Earth in search of the three ‘Mother Boxes’. In light of this, Batman – played by Ben Affleck – recruits a team made up of Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), the Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) to face this foe, ultimately resurrecting Henry Cavill’s Superman for the big fight.
Coming in with a runtime of four hours, the film is divided into several chapters and centers around self-reflection, using the topic of hope from the past to fix your mistakes. The action scenes were outstanding, great to watch and a must see experience. ZSJL is a masterpiece diving deep into the characters’ trauma and what they’ve been through and how they come together as a team. Justice League is visually beautiful. It is a big step from the 2017 counterpart.
Overall this movie was really good, and made me feel connected with all the characters and how they dealt with grief. It had me on my feet the whole time. Personally I would love to see Snyder’s full version of the Justice League and what he would have done with the characters moving forward. Regardless, this film is one of my favorite comic book movies by far and I’m really glad to see Zack Snyder’s Justice League finally make it to our television screens.