Having a heart to heart

Students learn CPR through PE classes

Faiz Uddin

Division Chief of Training and EMS Nick Dorey shows freshmen Jose Bolanos and Sahas Thyarala how to perform CPR compressions.


Students placed their hands on inflatable training dummies, pushing hard enough to get a particular click–the click that told them they had performed the CPR maneuver correctly. Nick Dorey, the Division Chief of Training and EMS for Oviedo, led PE classes on Oct. 5. His class coached students in mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, paired with CPR and the use of AEDs (automated external defibrillators).

Many of the students quickly caught on.

“It’s very easy to remember,” said sophomore Gabby Touton. “It’s very simple, and very helpful.”

This course is currently being offered in many other schools as well, with a common goal in mind.

“Countywide, the goal is to get all the students to go through and have taken a CPR course before they graduate high school,” Dorey said. “We want to make sure we get CPR out to the citizens or community in order to improve the outcomes of what was talked about in this class.”